The British Heart Foundation is a NATIONAL charity and provides a lot of resources of help to anyone with cardiac issues or undergoing surgery. It raises funds through charity shops and other means to help fund major research into heart disease and treatment.
SHOC is linked into their Heart Support Network which provides heart groups across the Uk with information and networking opportunities. SHOC volunteers have attended some of their day workshops bringing different cardiac support groups together to share experiences.
LEAFLETS • BHF leaflets relating to heart health are given to patients prior to attending or in hospital, much of this material is also available on line, along with useful and informative videos. They are all free but a donation to BHF is welcomed. They can be viewed at:
HEART HEALTH MAGAZINE • BHF’s regular magazine is free and produced every two months. If you would like a copy, call Heart Health subscription line on 0870 850 5281 or visit their website.
INFORMATION LINE • The BHF Heart Information Line provides a useful service for the public and professionals on issues relating to heart health. It is available on 08450-70-80-70 (local rate number) Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.
LOCAL SUPPORT GROUPS • For details of your nearest local heart support group: 020 7487 7110 or email
NEWS • For the Latest BHF News
DONATIONS • Goods, bric a brac, clothes etc. always welcome at your local BHS charity shop.