SHOC is a registered charity with the Charity Commission. They govern our rules and regulations as set out below:
- The name of the Association is Sheffield Open Heart Club.
Preliminary - In these Rules:
(a) the expression the Association means the Association constituted by these Rules
(b) the expression “the Committee” means the Committee for the time being of the Association as herein-after constituted
(c) the expression “the Secretary” means the Secretary for the time being of the Association
(d) the expression “the Rules” includes any amendment or alteration for the time being in force.
Object and Powers - The Object of the Association shall be to relieve cardiac patients who are sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped, infirm or otherwise in need of assistance and generally to support the charitable work of the cardio-thoracic unit of the Northern General Hospital Sheffield by the provision of specialised equipment not normally provided by the Local Health Authority.
- For the purpose of carrying out the above Object, but not otherwise, the Association shall have the following powers: —
(a) to support counsel and advise cardiac patients prior to heart surgery and to assist in their recovery after operation and to be available for their relatives and friends requiring support and information.
(b) to educate the public in the needs of cardiac patients of Northern General Hospital and to mobilise, encourage, foster and maintain the interests and support of the public in the said hospital.
(c) to hold meetings and discussions and to propagate useful information about cardiac surgery and facilitate social intercourse and education among patients and all interested persons.
(d) to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions and gifts from any person or persons or organisations whatsoever and whether subject to or in trust for the Object of the Association and whether by way of subscription donation or otherwise.
(e) to be available to assist the medical, nursing, physiotherapy and social work staff of the Northern General Hospital engaged in or in support of cardiac surgery and to provide or assist in the provision of amenities at the hospital for cardiac patients and staff including the provision of equipment which may be needed from time to time by such patients.
(f) to do all such things as are necessary for the attainment of the above Object.
Membership - Full membership of the Association shall be open to anyone who is about to undergo or who has undergone open heart surgery and Associate Membership will be open to any such patients relatives or friends or any person who supports the Object of the Association.
Subscriptions - There shall be an annual subscription of £1 for Full Members and Associate Members which rates shall be subject to review by the Committee at any time. The subscription shall be payable upon enrolment irrespective of the date of enrolment, and shall be due for renewal on the 31st March following.
Officers and Committee - (a) There shall be a Committee and the business of the Association shall be conducted and managed by the Committee who may exercise all such powers of the Association and do on behalf of the Association all such acts as may be exercised and done by the Association and are not by these Rules required to be exercised by the Association in General Meeting.
(b) The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and not less than one nor more than 8 other persons. No person shall be a member of the Committee who is not a Full or Associate Member of the Association.
(c) The first members of the Committee are :-
Chairman: Susan Inglis SRN
Secretary: Wendy Dickinson
Treasurer: Eric Fisher
Other Members: Sally Huckle, Edward Bramwell, Ruth Barraclough, Carran Carr, Jack Dickinson,
Irene Fletcher, Leslie W. Needham and Cyril Ludlam.
(d) At the Annual General Meeting for the year 1987 and at every subsequent Annual General Meeting the Chairman Secretary and Treasurer and one third of the other members for the time being of the Committee, or if the number is not a multiple of 3 then the nearest to one third shall retire from office.
(e) The Members of Committee to retire each year shall be those who have been longest in office since their last election but as between persons who became members of the Committee on the same day, those to retire (unless otherwise agreed among themselves) shall be determined by lot.
(f) Members retiring from the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
(g) No Member (not being a retiring Committee Member) shall be eligible for election unless a written nomination shall have been received by the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting designating the position for which the Member is nominated and signed by such Member and two other members of the Association.
(h) The Committee may elect any member of the Association to be a member of the Committee to fill any General Meetings. - (a) An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in each calendar year and at a date not later than 15 months after the last Annual General Meeting. The first Annual General Meeting was held on 27th April 1987. The Chairman of the Meeting shall be the Chairman of the Committee or in his absence then the members present shall elect a Chairman from amongst themselves.
(b) The Committee may at any time call an Extraordinary General Meeting and must do so if a requisition in writing is received by the Secretary signed by not less than 30 members of the Association.
(c) The Secretary shall give at least 14 clear days notice in writing of General Meetings and the purpose thereof to all members entitled to receive notice of meetings.
(d) At a General Meeting each member (whether full or associate) shall have one vote. Voting shall be by show of hands only, unless a ballot is demanded by at least 10 members present.
(e) The Chairman’s direction as to how the ballot is to be taken his declaration as to the result of any voting and his decision on any question of procedure or point or order at a General Meeting shall be considered as final. In the event of an equal vote, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
(f) No business shall be transacted at any general meeting of the Association unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. Fifteen members present, personally, shall he a quorum. If within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present the meeting if convened upon the requisition of members shall be dissolved and in any other case the members present shall be a quorum.
Accounts - The financial year shall be from April to 31st March following and there shall be prepared annually and laid before the Association in General Meeting a statement of accounts and a report of the Association’s activities and examined if necessary to meet the Charity Commissions requirements.
Cessation of Membership - If the subscription of any member shall be in arrear and unpaid for a period exceeding 4 calendar months, the Treasurer or Secretary shall give notice in writing that unless he pays his arrears within 14 days he will be deemed to have resigned and if such member shall not within 14 days after service of such notice have paid his arrears he shall be deemed to have resigned.
Notices - If a Member has given an address to the Secretary for giving of Notices to him (and not otherwise) he shall be entitled to receive Notices of all Meetings of the Association. A Notice may be given by the Association to any member by delivering it by hand to him or to his said address or by sending it by post to such address. Where Notice is sent by post, service of a Notice shall be deemed to be effected by properly addressing, prepaying and posting the letter containing the Notice and to have been effected, in the case of Notice of a Meeting at the expiration of 24 hours after the letter containing the Notice is posted and in any other case at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.
Property - The monies and property of the Association not immediately required for the purposes of the Association may be held by or vested in such persons as the Committee may from time to time determine and the Committee may appoint two or more persons whether members of the Association or not to hold any such monies or property upon trust for the Association. Cheques drawn on behalf of the Association shall be signed by two persons being any two of the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
Remuneration - All officers and other members of the Committee shall be honorary.
Alteration of Rules - The Association may by a majority of not less than two thirds of the members present at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting alter add to or delete all or any of the objects of the Association and alter these Rules provided that notice of intention to propose such alteration, addition or deletion and the details thereof are served upon each Member with the notice required to be given by Rule 7(c) hereof and provided that no alteration in the objects of the Association shall be made which would cause the Association to cease to be a charity in law.
Informalities - No action or decision of the Committee or of any meeting of the Association shall be invalidated by reason only of informality or neglect in any service of Notices or in any matter of procedure unless in the opinion of the Committee such informality or neglect has resulted in a situation which is unjust.
Provision for dissolution - Upon dissolution of the Association the surplus assets (if any) of the Association remaining after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to nor distributed amongst the Members of the Association but shall be given to the cardio-thoracic unit of Northern General Hospital or to such charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to those of the Association as the Members of the Association shall at or before the time of dissolution in General Meeting determine with the approval of the Charity Commissioners.